CoZ Entry #023 – Sydney Drew


Sometimes I can’t think of an intro to write before the jump, so I just stare at the screen with what I assume is a blank, soulless look in my eyes. I could say something profound about how Pink Rangers don’t always have to be the “girly-girl” or the “pretty one” and how Syd is an example of how to execute both of those things while not overindulging and also balancing them out with other things, but you and I both know that already.

Wait, you don’t? Okay well fuck here’s Syd.

NAME: Sydney “Syd” Drew
RANGER DESIGNATION: SPD Pink Ranger, Power Rangers SPD
FIRST APPEARANCE: “Beginnings Part I” – Power Rangers SPD
LAST APPEARANCE: “Endings Part II” – Power Rangers SPD
ZORDS: Delta Runner 5; SWAT Flyer 5
PORTRAYED BY: Alycia Purrott-Armstrong



When the SPD A-Squad went off on a secret mission to space (probably to pick up space babes, let’s be real), Commander Doggie Cruger — an alien dog-man with lizard scales — decided that SPD needed their B-Squad to take charge of things in New Tech City. Sydney Drew was the spunky, affluent officer of the backup team who didn’t shy away from her vanity.

Recruited by Cruger and Kat Manx to be the SPD Pink Ranger, Syd joined her fellow B-Squad buddies in beating up baddies belligerently but not really I just wanted another b-word to add to that sentence. Alliteration.

prepare your butthole

Coming from a family with no shortage of cash, Syd grew up knowing that if she ever had a problem, she could just throw money at it. Hell, she even generously offered to have her dad pay for SPD’s new and improved robot dog. But why did SPD need a new robot dog? Well, because the current one wouldn’t stop following her around! How frustrating!

During a solo investigation, RIC literally took a bullet (laser) for Syd and wound up being fucked up beyond all repair. Syd had just begun to take a liking to RIC, so she took it upon herself (with her colleagues Bridge and Boom) to give the pupper doggo a few upgrades to his snoot bork bork.

the real lesson here is to never get between a white girl and her dog

With RIC’s new upgrades, the team was able to track down an underground motherlode of prisoners who had been turned into goo. However, Syd’s the only one who dug the hole and got dirty and gross. Also, she was completely clean after de-morphing. Explain that with some lore, comic books.

oh good lord

Jack assigned Syd to partner up with him on a stakeout job to look after a scientist being pursued by an alien criminal named Sinuku. She wasn’t the biggest fan of this assignment, considering she was supposed to be attending her super fancy birthday party that her parents throw for her every year. The last thing a lady wants to do on her birthday is sit in a dingy apartment spying on people and eating pizza, right? Right???

The Red and Pink Rangers were on each other’s cases the entire job pretty much all because Jack didn’t understand how important birthdays were to people, which is super petty. But also Syd was being a birthday braggart. Basically, they both suck, but they grew as a team or whatever. It turns out if you tell people why you’re upset, they’ll know why you’re upset.

sorry i guess

As her time with B-Squad passed, Syd became more and more trusting of her friends and would go to their aid when needed. All this while still singing to herself in her bedroom about how beautiful she is, writing and performing songs like “Me” that are literally all about her, and using magazines to determine Bridge’s horoscope.

homegirl reads magazines with her own face on the cover. the audacity

Syd always had an interesting… camaraderie with Yellow Ranger partner, Z. Classic valley girl/tomboy stuff. Generally, they worked pretty well together during battle, but when the Rangers had to take down a couple of alien tech thieves, Z and Syd conveniently started bickering even more. This contrived conflict (as in they literally just start shoving each other for no visible reason) brought the team together by resolving their differences or whatever and they got their SWAT Mode upgrade.

Once the traitorous A-Squad and Emperor Grumm were defeated for good, Syd remained a member of the SPD B-Squad on Earth, with Sky as the newly appointed Red Ranger.


The only thing really holding Syd back in this case is a season that didn’t give her much to do outside her obligatory focus episodes. As an unfortunate side-effect of wearing the pink suit with the lowest “rank,” she may have the least focus of the SPD Rangers, second only to Omega who is just a ball of light most of the time.

However, Syd’s perfectly serviceable and doesn’t annoy me, with her surprising sense of duty (post-birthday at least) and the spitfire attitude that the show lets her have whenever she actually gets a scene to express herself. She’s mostly consistent throughout the show and I’m gonna try not to think too hard about this, so she gets to slide just above Ryan and below the cutie Xander as the new 14th Child of Zordon.

Yeah that’s right I posted 2 entries within 2ish months, wanna fight about it? If you do, head on over to my Twitter page @childrnofzordon to say some mean words. Or nice words. I like nice words. I like words in general! Talk to me! I’m so lonely. Maybe I’ll respond.

Wait, I put Levi Weston as the next entry I’m supposed to do? That sucks. Well, seeya then.

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